Campus in Action - Interview Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker


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  • hochgeladen 17. November 2020

Interview with Professor Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker

At the latest since Greta Thunberg and Fridays for Future, the climate crisis finally found a place in our everyday life. We have started to reduce plastic, buy regional products, avoid flights and wear second hand clothes. Environmentally friendly ways of life concern more and more children, teens, and adults. But we can not solve it on our own. Especially in politics and economy, we need a rethinking. “A New Enlightenment is needed for the Full World“, demands Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker. The former Co-President of The Club of Rome ranks among the most famous environment scientists. In his lecture, he explains the difference between the comparatively Empty World and resource usage in the midst of the 20th century and today´s Full World, and revolutionises the sustainable understanding of his audience.

In this interview with professors and students of Furtwangen University, Professor von Weizsäcker outlines solutions for our economic world, but also about what every single one of us can act and the role of education. Scientists, professors, and students ask questions which concern their everyday life. And Professor von Weizsäcker gives pathbreaking answers. 

Campus in Action ist he slogan of the Sustainability Strategy of Furtwangen University. The slogan relates to more then 170 years of Quality Education and Innovation at Furtwangen University. From Knowledge to Action is the opportunity to contribute in our professional, private, and societal life to a good future for all. Therefore, Campus in Action.

Please refer as well to the lecture of Professor von Weizsäcker before the interview about "A New Enlightenment is needed for Our Full World" (Oct. 16 2020, Furtwangen University):

Kategorien: Medien, Sonstiges