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Campus in Action
Furtwangen University roots on more than 170 years of educational and innovative excellence. Sustainable development is anchored strategically in the mission Furtwangen University (HFU).
The presentation of Prof. Dr. Achim P. Karduck provides an overview about the relation between Quality Innovations and Sustainable Development. It introduces the components of Sustainability 360 Degrees", the "Sprectrum of Quality Innovations for our Future", and the directions of the HFU-initiative "Campus in Action".
The presentation build upon two Afternoons about the Future with Prof. Dr. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker:
1) Oct. 29, 2019: "Living Space Earth: We Need Quality Innovations for Our Future". Here the link to the interview (in English) and the presentation (in German)
2) Oct. 16, 2020: "A New Enlightenment is Needed for the Full World"
Further, the overview presentation forms the basis for a workshop, that takes the Design Thinking approach in the specific context of Quality Innovations and Sustanable Development in various domains, explored by the students. The workshop is conducted together with Wolfgang Gräther. His research and project expertise draws on several decades of responsibility at Fraunhofer FIT in St. Augustin, e.g. in the fields of Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Design Thinking, or Blockchain Technologies: