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In Glasgow at COP 26 (United Nations Climate Change conference 21), the nations of our earth are trying to pave a way to lead our global momentum to a good future for our planet. The challenges are huge, and particularly the young people are in motion and ask for trustworthy change. The scientific knowledge is evident, and the our technological capacity certainly promising.
The dialogue with Professor Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker was conducted after his presentation with the title “Sustainable Development Requires Lots of Feedback Loops“ at Furtwangen University. The conversation considers in depth, what the rational behind sustainable development as a cross-generational and international long term responsibility could lead us, as the United Nations of our planet earth.
The interview was conducted with Professor Achim Karduck, director sustainable development and computer science professor at Furtwangen University, and Cécile Geoffroy from Ecole Nationale Superieur IMT Albi (France), international exchange student in the Master Program Mobile Systems at Furtwangen University.
➤ Presentation “Sustainable Development Requires Lots of Feedback Loops“, Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
➤ Qualitätsinnovationen und Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Prof. Achim Karduck