Sustainable Development Requires Lots of Feedback Loops - Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker


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  • 6 Medien
  • hochgeladen 4. November 2021

“Sustainable Development Requires Lots of Feedback Loops“ was the topic oft he 3rd afternoon about the future with Professor Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker at Furtwangen University.

As the Honorary President of the Club of Rome, he is one of the world´s leading environmental scientiests. Drawing his expertise from decades of responsible positions, he overlooks our massive challenges and realistic opportunities in their international perspective from the scientific, technological, economic, social, and philosophical dimensions. His sound and frank analysis about the current situation of our common living space, planet earth, and development paths, captured the audience full attention. From this, he derived possible solution spaces, with the required cross-generational and international responsibilities in all dimensions.

In Glasgow at COP 26 (United Nations Climate Change conference 21), the nations of our earth are trying to pave a way to lead our global momentum to a good future for our planet. Professor von Weizsäcker´s expertise and wisdom are certainly a unique resource, helping to achieve this aim. This 3rd afternoon about the future was organized by Prof. Dr. Achim Karduck from Furtwangen University under the sustainability slogan “Campus in Action – from Knowledge to Action“.

Interview with Prof. Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker

Qualitätsinnovationen und Nachhaltige Entwicklung, Prof. Achim Karduck

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